
My clients continue to teach me how to be a great hypnotherapist. I am grateful to them for their courage, determination, their feedback and testimonials. If you’d like to add your comments to this page, please let me know.
Here’s what some have had to say:
“I can’t believe it’s been almost a month since I last saw you. I’m doing great. This is the first time I’ve quit smoking that I feel like I’m doing it purely for me. I also love that you don’t make cigarettes and smoking “bad” and non-smoking “good.” Most programs do that, but it gives the cigarettes too much power. I even found a fully intact cigarette while I was cleaning house and had absolutely no desire to smoke it!” – Sue K., IT specialist
“I came to visit Sara and try hypnosis for the first time due to a deep discomfort and anxiety I would feel when planning to travel anywhere by plane. My anxiety would start anywhere from the day before my planned trip or as much as two weeks before. It genuinely was ruining the experience of planning a vacation or having to travel for work. Talking to Sara was both comforting and relaxing. She was incredibly understanding and took the time to zero in on exactly what was causing this fear and how we could work through it.. Before we had even started the actual hypnosis process I had already felt more at ease. I left our session feeling refreshed and with a renewed confidence during travel. Yesterday I had to travel to work and fly both to my destination and back in the same day. I can honestly say it was the most relaxing trip I have ever had, I not only felt a strong confidence in flying but I would even go as far as saying I enjoyed it! I am already looking to book my next trip to fly alone for the first time because I’m so excited to start traveling with ease finally.” – Dana B., Online Marketing Manager
“Hypnosis with Sara helped me tremendously in my successful effort to pass the New York State Bar Exam in July of 2013. In the week leading up to the exam, my nerves had taken over–I was unable to eat, my sleep patterns were disrupted and most importantly, the study schedule I was following had fallen by the waist side. After my first half-hour session with Sara, my nerves subsided and I was able to resume studying. I followed up with another session the evening before the exam. Again, I felt immediately calmed and confident in my ability to take the test. During the exam, there were several moments of panic, and using the skills conveyed to me by Sara, I re-centered myself and completed what needed to be done. In October, when I found out I had passed, I knew that hypnosis had played a very important role. Without those two sessions of hypnosis I know I would have stayed in my “panic mode” and would have been unable to study. Thank you Sara!” -Alexandra S., attorney
“I had been a smoker for 17 years and quit a few times unsuccessfully for the last few. My doctor recommended Sara for hypnotism as I was out of ideas to quit on my own. I had a very nice consultation with Sara and one week later, much to my own surprise I crumpled up a half a pack of cigarettes on the way out of the appointment and never touched them again. Since then, I have referred quite a few friends to Sara all with the same results. I haven’t smoked in years”- Beth Newcomb, jewelry designer
“Over the past couple of years I have seen Sara for various things: general relaxation (gained immediate & lasting results), fertility (I got pregnant that month after the session) and preparing my mind and body for a medical procedure (I went in calm & ready and the procedure went perfectly). I cannot say enough positive things about the benefits hypnosis and the amazingness of Sara.” Melissa Gasgaber, PA
“I felt comfortable the minute I walked into Sara’s office and I know that that comfort factor had a lot to do with my success. Any apprehension I had about smoking cessation and hypnosis was quickly dispelled by her easy going and more importantly, caring manner. I had no trouble giving over to hypnotic suggestion and the proof is in the pudding as I am smoke free for over two years and could not be happier. I also got unexpected benefit from Sara’s CD as I found it a great way to start the day clear headed and focused. Sara is kind, caring and talented. I would recommend her help to any one, any time.” -Tucker Smith, actor
“I’ve been smoke free for 2 years and very happy about it. At the beginning, using Sara’s instructions and hypnosis techniques, I learned to identify urge and breath deeply; this was key to getting past those first difficult days. I also began sleeping better and experienced a general reduction in my stress level.” – Christopher Batty, advertising sales
“I was scheduled for major surgery to help me with sleep apnea. Sara worked with me before the operation, preparing me to undergo the surgery with little pain, less bleeding and a very quick recovery process. She also worked with me in hypnosis to help achieve the goals for which I was having the surgery: to sleep better, more deeply and control the anxiety I felt around not being able to sleep.” – Vincent Mierlak, financial analyst
“Sara’s hypnosis technique immediately put me at ease and gave me strong tools to relieve my insomnia and sleep better. I’ve noticed a dramatic change in the quality of my sleep and so my state of mind has greatly improved.” – Joslyn R., creative director
“I gave birth to my first daughter, Zoe, with surprising ease and comfort and my labor only lasted 4 hours! I fully attribute this to the methods I learned in Sara’s comfortable childbirth program.” –Leona B., attorney
“I was having trouble getting motivated to look for a new job. I worked with Sara and enjoyed hypnosis so much. I went home after the session, wrote several cover letters and completely rewrote my resume!” – Bubbette MacLoed, manager
“I was unsure that hypnosis would help me stop smoking, but I was determined. Sara’s confidence in helping people stop smoking with hypnosis was very apparent in our initial consultation. I knew that I would be able to do it after that first session – mostly because of her belief that I could do it.” – Janet S., musician
“I’d been grinding my teeth for 10 years and my teeth were nearly worn down. I worked with Sara for about 6 sessions and I don’t grind them anymore! I don’t know exactly what happened, except that she’s taught me to be more relaxed through very direct suggestions that I be relaxed” – Meg W., writer
“I came to Sara to work on emotional issues I was having, but I also had severe chronic back pain. During the sessions, my relaxation was so complete I would experience no pain in my back at all. Over time the back pain lessened.” – Jordan Schaps, consultant
“I have never felt so calm as I did after our session, amazing.” – Danielle R., TV producer