Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

Please contact me with your specific needs and questions about hypnosis. My services are always custom-built for you and your particular needs. My goal is to work with you as a whole person, addressing your unique situation and concerns. Therefore, I am dedicated to flexibility and I’m happy to discuss with you a strategy that will meet your needs.
(3 Sessions; $675 – due at the first session)
The program consists of three hypnosis sessions, two recordings (one is custom), and related materials.
First Session: Train in Hypnosis to Stop Smoking (75 min.)
This session is held one to three weeks before your stop date. During this session we discuss why you smoke, why you would like to stop and your particular situation. I gather your personal information, for example, certain times during the day when you find it difficult not to smoke, etc. to create a script and a recording you will practice with later on. This session can often be an eye-opener for many clients. The questions may seem obvious at first, but with further reflection can shed much light on the reasons behind your particular smoking habit.
During this session, you practice hypnosis with me and become more familiar with this process of relaxation and concentration. You leave with a packet of literature about smoking and tips for stopping and also with your first recording (CD or Mp3 download) which you practice with at least once a day.
The payment of $675 is due at this session.
Second Session: Stop Smoking Date (75 min.)
Ideally one to two weeks later, this session is held on your stop date. We begin by discussing anything that has come up for you around your decision to stop, the recording you’ve been practicing with and anything else that is of concern to you. During the hypnosis section of this session, you enter a state of hypnosis and I make repeated suggestions using the script I’ve created based on our discussion from the previous week.
Third Session: Support to Continue Smoking Cessation (60 min.)
This third session is available to you at any time should you need some extra support or encouragement. Some clients say they need some extra support about a month after their stop date. The third session also functions as a goal—the client knows he/she will be coming to see me and this adds to his or her determination to stop. During the third sessions, I repeat previous suggestions and add new ones that address your current need.
Schedule your Stop Smoking program now.
The Hazards of Smoking
Check out the latest statistics and convince yourself that now is the time. There is no better time.