Deep Release with Hypnosis

Relaxation is underestimated and underutilized in our world today. Breathing, pausing, and simply noticing what you are feeling or thinking for a moment can cause a sense of well-being, great insight and a huge release of stress. Because we are not practiced at relaxing, we have to learn how to do it. Once we begin letting go a little, we can progress and learn to let go of negative thought patterns, physical tension, and worry. We become aware that we can choose to respond to our thoughts and feelings with skill and in a way that is most beneficial to us and to others. Deep Release with Hypnosis will lead you down into your deepest relaxation. At that level, you find solutions and insights into your current obstacles, you allow stress to dissipate and you feel better both mentally and physically. At this level real change can take place and you begin to live life with more and more ease. Contact me for more information about this hypnotherapy Mp3.
(running time: 25:35)
Listen to a sample of Deep Release: