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Posts tagged ‘relaxation’

Outsmarting Our Primitive Responses to Fear

What scares you? Terrorism? Climate change? Snakes? Germs?

Whether it makes you buy a handgun or hand sanitizer, an electric car or an electric fence, fear drives much of human behavior. And it’s not just fear of physical harm that makes us want to hide under the covers. The twin fears of intimacy and rejection, for example, shape many of our social interactions.

Scientists say fear and its companion — the fight, flight or freeze response — can save us when faced with imminent physical harm.

This served us well when we were cave dwellers, under constant threat from marauding wild animals or invading warrior tribes. But it can often get in our way in modern life.

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The First Step ….

The first step towards making change is seeking out someone who has the ability to assist you. If you’re not sure about what hypnosis is, how meditation works or whether or not you need someone to coach you through this passage, please call and together we can figure it out: 212.365.4775 or email [email protected].

What to expect . . .

During our consultation, we will discuss how hypnosis can help you identify your challenge and work toward your goal.  This session is approximately 20 minutes where we can establish rapport and gather information.

When you are ready, we begin our hypnosis training and practice during the second session which is 60 minutes. Most clients are fully conscious while in hypnosis, but are in a state of selective awareness, where the subconscious mind is more accessible and able to be influenced positively and in accord with the client’s proposed goals.

Many clients are able to achieve their goals in 2 to 6 sessions.  Together we can determine what is the best course of action for your particular goals, financial situation and schedule.

What if I can’t be hypnotized?

Hypnosis is a natural state, and there are many levels of hypnosis. It’s not like falling off a cliff—more like a gentle slope, and even in the lightest level of hypnosis it has been shown that suggestions take effect. Most people have been in light hypnosis on their own; for example, when you are driving and suddenly realize you have been daydreaming for the past twenty miles, but somehow managed to negotiate the road successfully. In my experience, anyone who wants to be hypnotized can be hypnotized, and the more you do it—either with a hypnotherapist or by using a self-hypnosis CD—the easier it gets, and the deeper you are able to go.

Hypnosis and IBS . . .

Let the Mind Heal an Irritable Bowel, Jane Brody, NYT, September 1, 2008.